The Chapel Feralous


Sterioevo’s self help guide to recovering value from DEFAULT IN PAYMENT May 30, 2008

Sterioevo’s self help guide to recovering value from DEFAULT IN PAYMENT

Hi and welcome to this exciting page. Below is a creative concept I am developing based on recent experiences with an unscrupulous entertainment promoter that, despite considerable efforts to extract due payment, has been unwilling to meet obligations and settle the matter suitably. I consider this project to be “open source” and encourage any interested parties to contribute.

The concept is based on the well known practice of “Work at Home & Make Money Online in 8 Simple Steps!”.

After 15 years studying and working in the social sciences, I recognise that there are 2 sides to every story, and it is crucial to give the promoter concerned a reasonable opportunity to make amends and avoid the unneccesary process outlined below, we live in hope, after all, it’s the one thing nobody has figured out how to kill yet… . We must listen first, wait to see if any guarentees or promises are acted upon within a agreed amount of time, and then, upon failure to meet these pledges and rectify any outstanding issues, let the games begin!!!

And so, without further ado, let’s get onto the good stuff.

The main idea is to create value system for oneself based on the distribution and dissemination of information pertaining to the default in payment. Sure this is “taking the piss”, no doubt, but the real genius of the idea is that you attribute a value to this “piss taking”, a value that you consider relevant to you! After all, this is a process about recovering a sense of value for your act/performance  that was delivered on your part “in good faith”.

So here is how it works. You collate all relevant communications with the said promoter and publish this correspondance on a post on your website. It is important that you remain objective and do not embellish this communication as this process is rooted in the dissemination of the truth. Be sure to update with any relevant further correspondance to ensure the post is always “on the money”.

Once you have this information in place you then research possible avenues of dissemination. We are loooking here at placing posts on the related internet sites with a link to existing correspodance as described above. There are multitudes of possibilities available on the internet (such a wonderful resource for the distribution of information). For example, social networking as we know is enormously popular, one could post to sites such as bebo, badoo, buzznet, facebook, flixster, friendster, habbo, imeem, linkedin, livejournal, mixi, myspace, netlog, orkut, plaxo, skyrock_blog, stickam, tagged, windows live spaces and xanga to name but a few of the bigger ones. Then there is the online forum communities which also offers a galaxy of potential audiences. I would like to categorise forum sites as those locally based (i.e. in my case, Australia) and those operating from foreign soil (i.e. the rest of the world). Examples of locally based forums (in Australia) could include inthemix, residentadvisor, australiens, ozdoof, teknoscape,  spraci, raveadelaide, clubsguide and oztrance to name a few notables. Examples of other globally focused forums include goatrance, psynews, isratrance, psydb, mysticalforum, psytrance, doof central,, psytechforum,, psytunes and to name but a few. Obviously the idea here is to target sites relevant to the promoter concerned. Obscure sites are another interesting idea – you never know who reads things these days. The other area of potential distribution channel development is through other artists (also see paragraph on researching other artists who have been squeezed and the very exciting paragraph on the potential for a [to coin-a-phrase] ripple effect affiliate program) – persons who have themselves been subjuct to a rort are generally very happy to provide support and assistance. And let’s not forget there is also the music retail and hosting sites such as, soundclick,, psyshop, chaishop, etc

Then you create a table that outlines the “reward scheme” you will be placing on the distribution of information. Below is an example of this process – remember this is all about the intrinsic value that YOU feel is equivalant to YOUR satisfaction as applied in terms of moolah, cabbage, dough, etc.

Site Dollar Value in currency of choice
Posting to a social networking site $2
Removal of a post from social networking site (by sites administrators) -$1
Posting to a local forum $1
Removal of posting from local forum (by sites administrators within 24 hours) -$0.75
Removal of posting from local forum (by sites administrators after 24 hours) -$0.50
Posting to a foreign forum $2
Removal of posting from international forum (by sites admin within 24 hours) -$1.50
Removal of posting from international forum (by sites admin after 24 hours) -$1
Distribution through other artists per link $1

Example. Using the table proposed above, an example application would be calculated as follows. Promoter owes you $500. You post to myspace, bebo and facebook for a total of $6. You then post to 2 local forums and 4 foreign forums for a total of $10. Sub total is now $16. The post is removed from facebook and an international forum in under 24 hours, as well removed from a local forum in over 24 hours. This would create a debit of -$3.25. This would leave a sub-total of $12.75. And so on and so forth.

You will need to be flexible with the reward scheme and change as required. Also it is important deal with the matter in a suitable timeframe so you can put the issue “to bed”. We all know these unfortunate scenarios can cause unwanted stress and we need to deal with the matter efficiently to reach a sense of closure.

Ripple Effect Affiliatte program. We are now seeing the enormous machine that is syndication. Considerable potential exists for the distribution of information via syndication. By connecting with persons empathetic to the cause one can effectively spread information very quickly and to a significantly larger audience. It is important to recognise these contributions by developing an appropriatte affiliate reward system. This ties in nicely with the concept of Street teams, a term used in marketing
to describe a group of people who ‘hit the streets’ (in this case, hit the boards) promoting an event
or a product (in this case, promoting the truth).

Another avenue of development exists in researching and contacting other persons who have been involved in previous events. Chances are you are not the only person to have been screwed, and these persons may be interested in pursuing their own efforts in recovering value through self help.

Upon reciept of payment, it is not only reasonable, but is also considered fair practice, to retract all postings and information.

Not paying artists is illegal. Legal principles for this concept include:

  • freedom of speech – a fundamental right that is essential for the discovery of truth
  • public figures have less privacy
  • disclosure of private facts relating to a “promoter” are newsworthy and of significant public interest

Please let myself or Steve know if you have any bright ideas, comments or suggestions… as previously mentioned, this is an open source project in order to assist YOU to get more bang for your buck!

Stay tuned, this will no doubt evolve and mutate!!!


The Risen! May 22, 2008

Stumbled on this one via The Gnostic Friends Network.

The Risen!” by Ristorante Mystica

Några tänkvärda (?) saker från The Risen av Peter Whitehead:

The Greek word psychosis means the “transforming action of the soul“. UR, yes, it does. But dreams are psychotico-mimetic, they tell us… In the Greek Alchemical text entitled KOR KOSMOU: i. e. “The Universe Maiden” (lovely title!), we find; “Taking from himself sufficient pneuma, and by an intelligent mixture uniting it with fire, he brewed it up with certain unknown substances, accompanying himself with certain secret incantations he agitated the mixture, till there boiled up to the surface, a sort of matter, subtler, purer, more transparent than the ingredients of which it was made. This was made translucent and only HE saw it. God called this composition: PSYCHOSIS.” God is psychotic; is a psychosis…

Dreaming so closely resembles being under the influence of such a drug, that the body must create its OWN psychedelic drug, provoking a momentary psychosis. A rare blessing! A drug related to LSD, mescalin, psilocybin, no wonder dreams are often so fascinating! Well, we found a drug produced during REM periods of sleep, and called it HYPNOTAMINE… So why do we think we merely dream useless dreams? Only reason thinks they’re useless. We dream because a chemical called HYPNOTAMINE is released into the blood stream and the mind becomes psychotic, is trance-formed, capable of being transformed by messages, from the R-Field of re-versed time… Eating the crystal confirms that Hypnotamine provokes the psychosis we call dreaming. Ignore them! Unless you’re one of those enlightened people who knows that psychosis leads to a higher form of truth. In dreams are involutes of knowledge worth unravelling, visions of the future, and messages from other beings trying to be reincarnated through your consciousness, from other networks. From the virtual-time reality network!

…but here was another psychotic idea! Was there not a drug that might even be responsible for narrowing consciousness, responsible for the greatest crime of human history, reason? R D Laing tells us about reason: “A consciousness can exist with or without a sense of ego, an identity. We are clear that the ego is a mental construction intimately chemically conditioned. It can be dissolved in two seconds by nitrous oxide…” And we live by it, depend on it, worship it? And ignore the unconscious that took a hundred million years to create us?


Belated Respects May 5, 2008

I would like to pay my deepest respects to Dr. Hofmann, who passed away on April 29, 2008 at the age 102.

Trip of a lifetime: How LSD rocked the world

It’s the psychedelic drug that inspired Hendrix and The Beatles – and shaped the music, art and literature of a generation. As the world bids farewell to the bicycling Swiss chemist who created LSD, John Walsh explores his mind-altering legacy…

It was known as acid, blotter acid, window pane, dots, tickets and mellow yellow. It was sold on the street in capsules and tablets but most often in liquid form, usually absorbed on to a piece of blotting paper divided into several squares: one drop, or “dot”, per square. Lysergic acid diethylamide, or C20H25N30 to give it its snappy chemical formula, derived from lysergic acid, and it introduced you to a world of cosmic harmony and all-embracing love, or a black schizoid hell of paranoia and screaming demons.

The letters LSD once denoted English money in pre-decimalisation days: librae, solidi, denarii, the Latin forms of pounds, shillings and pence. From the mid-1960s, however, the letters had only one meaning: they stood for the most powerful mood-altering drug in the world.

Those who experienced the 12-hour “trip” it engendered would report back with all the fervour and awe of travellers returned from mystic lands, desperate to relay the sights and sounds of their wild adventures, but frustrated by the impossibility of making their listeners see or understand their experiences. Sometimes, they’d been on a physical journey (usually no further than the garden or local shops); but mentally, the trip had taken them into a new realm of consciousness that was a) hard to evoke and b) very boring to listen to. They talked about the blinding sensory enhancement, and the synaesthesia of hearing colours and smelling the stars. They saw profound truths in cracks in the pavement and cosmic harmonies in a match flame. They tended to mention God, several times. The man who invented the stuff had a lot to answer for. He was a Swiss chemist called Albert Hoffman, and he died on Tuesday morning.

The fact that he reached the age of 102 seems a tribute to the efficacy of his invention. But its importance to the 20th century isn’t as a therapeutic medical treatment. It may have altered some lives for the better, but its real importance is cultural. For LSD gave the Sixties a brand-new concept to embrace and apply to every area of life, especially the arts: psychedelia. The word was spelt wrongly – it should, strictly, be psychodelia – but its meaning was clear. It meant the making-visible of the soul: opening up your inner, half-glimpsed metaphysical self for inspection while in a state of profound relaxation and pleasure.

The English writer Aldous Huxley had, of course, been there years before, when he experimented with mescaline in the early 1950s. His 1954 book, The Doors of Perception (the title is taken from William Blake – “If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite”) argued that altered-state-inducing drugs were good for you, if you were sufficiently clever.

“To be shaken out of the ruts of ordinary perception, to be shown for a few timeless hours the outer and inner world, not as they appear to an animal obsessed with survival or to a human being obsessed with words and notions, but as they are apprehended, directly and unconditionally, by the Mind at Large – this is an experience of inestimable value to everyone and especially to the intellectual,” he said. But LSD was, by 1968, becoming available to all, and seemed, for a time, a thing that could change the world.

In theory, the entire young “counterculture” of the West, the same young people who listened to rock’n’roll, smoked dope, rejected the values of their straight, bourgeois parents and demonstrated against the Vietnam War, could all drop acid, discover their transcendent inner being, forsake their redundant ego and refuse to cooperate with the ordinary forms of society. They could, in the immortal phrase of Timothy Leary, LSD’s greatest fan and most articulate zealot, “Turn on, tune in and drop out.

They could share with each other soul-perceptions that were denied to the straights, the military-industrial complex, the politicians and judges…. It didn’t happen. But, for a few years, it felt as if the doors of perception might budge an inch.

The first acid trip was on 16 April 1943. It was an accident. Dr Hoffman had been conducting experiments with LSD-25, which he had synthesised from lysergic acid in 1938 and was trying to make again, having a “presentiment” that it could possess “properties other than those established in the first investigations”. The doctor got some of the stuff on his fingers. In the afternoon he felt dizzy, couldn’t work, went home to bed and wrote later that he entered a dream-like state. Behind his closed eyes, he saw streams of “fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colours” for a whole two hours.

Three days later, with a Dr Jekyll-like foreboding, he put himself through a guinea-pig experiment. He took 250mg (a colossal dose by blotting-paper standards) and went for a bicycle ride. Wherever he looked, the landscape became distorted as if seen through a funfair mirror. Though he was moving fast he felt completely stationary, as though the fields were whizzing by him.

Back home, he experienced the world’s first bad trip. He became convinced that he was possessed by a demon, that his neighbour was a witch and that his furniture was trying to kill him. The doctor was summoned, found nothing wrong beyond a dilation of the pupils, and packed him off to bed. Hoffman’s panic subsided and he started to enjoy the visions and exploding colours, the shifting kaleidoscope of shapes breaking up and folding into themselves. Every noise from the street became a visual event.

He woke next day full of beans, refreshed, reborn. His breakfast tasted delicious. In the garden, looking at birds and smelling the flowers, he described his senses as “vibrating in a condition of highest sensitivity, which persisted for the entire day”.

“Bicycle Day”, 19 April, was later commemorated by acid enthusiasts because it was the first conscious “trip” and it had had – just about – a happy ending. But the doors to perception are, for some truth-seekers, booby-trapped and dangerous. When LSD was co-opted by medical staff for recreational use, two decades after Hoffman’s bike ride, users learnt the hard way how impossible it was to control the wild ride once it had started.

At Oxford in the early 1970s, we were frankly intimidated by the drug’s reputation. We all wanted to try it, but were too chicken. The word in the quad was: if you had any secret hang-ups, mental instabilities, phobias, sexual inadequacies or social insecurities (the kind that surface in dreams,) you were wise of steer clear of acid. We knew when one of us was going to try it. “Tonight,” I’d hear during dinner in hall, “Roger’s tripping for the first time. But he’ll have Will and Ollie with him, so he’ll be OK.”

I’ve always remembered Roger’s first trip (so, I’ll bet, has he). We all knew he’d be fine because he was so perfect: cool, handsome, easy-going, a hit with the girls, a dead ringer, with his corkscrewy curls, for Marc Bolan of T. Rex. And he was rich; he owned a Morgan, which he casually parked in the back quad. We knew Roger would survive the experience and bang on about it, like he banged on about his Bang and Olufsen state-of-the-art hi-fi. And anyway, Will and Olly would look after him.

The evening started well. The three students took a tab each, drank some wine and waited for results. An hour later, they were happily tripping on the college lawn, listening to the grass grow and hearing their voices transforming into harp notes. They went to Olly’s room, smoked, listened to Tubular Bells in a haze of bliss. Then Roger went the gents. This proved a mistake.

After using the facilities, he washed his hands, dried them and looked in the mirror. Something caught his eye. He looked closer. Just below his cherubic lower lip, there was a spot. It’s wasn’t huge or septic, but it was unquestionably a skin eruption, a blemish. As he watched, it grew bigger and bigger until it took on the size and texture of a Brussels sprout. Roger was transfixed. He looked on in horror, as the distended spot grew wobblingly larger, and began to pull his features into its green heart. His nose disappeared, his cheeks and eyes began to twist down, his Marc Bolan curls hung uselessly over his aghast, imploding face.

Roger, you see, was indeed a near-perfect human being but he was as vain as a canary. And discovering a spot on his immaculate physiognomy played straight into his worst insecurity: that he might secretly be unattractive. He ended up imagining his whole head was a great blob of pus; and sat screaming with paranoia for two hours as his friends dosed him with orange juice (vitamin C is the only known cure for bad trips). Other occupants of his staircase, alerted by the noise, called in to discover a scenario straight from the locked unit of Bedlam hospital, circa 1880.

During the Cold War, both the British and the US governments were keen to exploit LSD‘s unique qualities, for “social engineering“. They were convinced it would be useful as a “truth drug” during interrogations – a rather prosaic understanding of the kind of visionary truth revealed by communing with one’s soul.

In 1953 and 1954, scientists working for MI6 drugged servicemen with LSD without telling them what to expect; the scientists told them they were looking for a cure for the common cold. One soldier, aged 19, reported that he saw “walls melting, cracks appearing in people’s faces… eyes would run down cheeks, Salvador Dali-type faces… a flower would turn into a slug.” Not surprisingly, the experiment failed; MI6 reported that LSD was of little practical use as a mind-control drug. It took 50 years for the human guinea-pigs to be compensated for what they’d been put through.


~R.I.P. Dr. Hof’~


Reach for the lasers!!! April 21, 2008



(Weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION, at that!!!)


As an ex-laser printer technician and having an avid interest in futuristy-type stuff, I’m pretty annoyed with the whole overreactive hype surrounding the new laser menace!  It seems every idiot and his (retarded) dog has something to say about the evils of lasers… and I do mean idiot… take the perfection on this one:

Laser possession to attract a jail terms

April 21, 2008 – 5:35PM

Carrying a high-powered laser without a permit could attract a 14-year jail term under tough new NSW laws designed to reduce the potential for “mass murder” resulting from laser attacks on planes.

The proposed legislation, which has been modelled on NSW knife laws, will also make it an offence to carry any kind of laser in public without a reasonable explanation.

Under the proposed legislation, high-powered lasers – category 3 and 4 devices – will be classed as prohibited weapons, and possessing one without a permit will be an offence punishable by up to 14 years in jail.

Police will also be able to frisk anyone suspected of carrying a laser (FB’s note-!!!), and anyone unable to provide a lawful excuse for possessing one could face two years’ jail and a $5,000 fine.

NSW Premier Morris Iemma said the laws were in response to a spate of incidents in which aircraft were targeted with lasers.

Most recently, an air ambulance was picked out by a laser over Sylvania on Saturday night.

The lasers, depending on their strength, can temporarily or even permanently blind pilots, with potentially horrific consequences, Mr Iemma said.

“We are introducing new laws to stop the potential for mass murder when it comes to these hand-held lasers,” he said.

Make no mistake, they are lethal weapons.

NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said the new powers would make it easier to prosecute people who misused lasers.

“These are stupid people doing stupid things, turning these lasers from what they were supposed to be into lethal weapons,” Mr Scipione said.

In the past, police had to catch people in the act of misusing lasers to prosecute them, he said.

The laws will be introduced into the NSW Parliament in May and Mr Iemma said he hoped they could be adopted nationally.

The legislation complements the recent Commonwealth ban on importing high-powered lasers, which can be purchased online for as little as $US50 ($A53.63).

The Australian and International Pilots Association welcomed the plan, saying a national ban would be the best way to deal with the problem.

Teachers, astronomers and builders, who will be among those affected by the laws, accepted the ban on condition it did not interfere with their work.

The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) supported keeping lasers “out of the hands of idiots“.

“As long as that doesn’t end up impinging on the people that actually require them for work,” CFMEU spokesman Tim Vollmer said.

Western Sydney Amateur Astronomy Group president Gerry Aart accepted the proposed laws were sensible but said his organisation only used weak lasers as a “brilliant tool” for pointing out phenomena indistinct to the naked eye.

However, Australian Optical Society president Professor Hans Bachor said the blanket ban was an overreaction.

“You can’t point (low-powered lasers) at any aircraft over a distance – the effect wouldn’t be big enough,” he said.

Many people used such pointers and the proposed ban could create a headache for police and the community, he said.


Can a laser pointer harm a pilot?

Legal laser pointers cannot harm a pilot.

Legal laser pointers, with light output of less than 5 mW (5/1000 of a watt), are relatively weak. They are so weak that, at close range, it is difficult or impossible to cause confirmed eye damage. For example, the Mayo Clinic study mentioned above showed no damage to the retina even after a 15 minute exposure to a legal (5 mW) laser pointer. This is echoed by Canadian laser regulators who state that laser pointers cause eye damage only “if you look directly into the beam from a laser pointer for more than a minute and a half in a very steady manner.”

In aircraft incidents, it is safe to say that absolutely no eye damage could occur from even the brightest legal laser pointer. The aircraft would be well beyond the 50 foot range of eye hazard, the aircraft is moving at high speeds, the pilot would naturally blink or avoid the light, and the beam’s light would spread out due to the large laser-to-aircraft distance.

Even illegal laser pointers are not a great concern. For example, if an illegal laser pointer is five times brighter, the eye hazard distance increases to 250 feet. This is still a relatively short distance. This short distance, coupled with the aircraft’s movement and the pilot’s normal blink/avoidance mechanism, would protect the pilot from permanent damage.

Finally, eye damage limits were set conservatively, with a “safety margin”. If you are exposed to laser light at the eye damage limit, it would be unlikely in most people to cause permanent damage.

What concerns experts is not eye damage, but the brightness of laser pointers. This can cause distraction or other visual effects.


Anyway, lasers get used in so many different ways these days, it’s gonna be interesting to see how the licensing system for “legitimate laser possession” will pan out…

So… ummm… if you use lasers for anything, or have anything to say regarding them, drop me a line.


DJ Lobsterdust April 10, 2008

Filed under: art,friends,humour,internerdery,mp3,music,music production,party! — feralbrown @ 9:44 pm

Check checka checkit out, yo!

I cottoned onto Lobsterdust a few days ago after hearing “It’s Fun to Smoke Dust“.

Definitely up there with Pantshead, Earworm and Party Ben, who are longtime favourites of mine when it comes to mash’n’grab muzaKill piracy and re-appropriation.

For those of you that like to hear the same old shit in entirely new ways, DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR!



Spongebob Squarepants does China March 7, 2008

Filed under: humour,political,technology — feralbrown @ 8:44 pm

I found this little beauty on Infowars while putting together the Endgame post on the Babylon Molatov page, and just had to chuck it up here!

You can check out Endgame in Bab’Mol’- it’s probably the best I’ve seen out of Alex Jones!


MERRY miXmas! December 1, 2007

Filed under: friends,humour,music,party!,Uncategorized — feralbrown @ 4:10 pm

Here are a few gems I enjoy ’round this time every year (’07 mix isn’t up yet), courtesy of Riko, a great pommy dj/producer who’s worked alongside the likes of Diplo and Lady Sovereign over the last few years… he has that fantastic party-funtime-mixtape knack going on, so even if the tracklists seem dubious, give one a download, pour a brandy or 12 and get festive, FUKN!!!
Riko’s Merry miXmas